365 Photography

21 of 365 – So Long Steve, and Thanks For All The Stuff

Sadly, we lost Steve Jobs today, I saw it on my iPhone when I woke up this morning. I thought I’d use this project to pay my tribute. So I took a photo of my Macbook Pro and iPhone, uploaded it onto my iMac, into Apple’s Aperture software. I’ll upload to the web it via Apple’s Safari browser, via my Apple Airport Extreme wi-fi network.

I’m listening to some music I purchased on iTunes while I’m doing all this.

I like Apple stuff, you may have noticed that. There’s no Windows in our house. There are many people around the world who feel the same.

We lost a visionary, who revolutionised technology. If it were not for Apple, I probably wouldn’t even own a computer today. I had a couple of PC’s in the past, and spent more time trying to get the fcking things working than I did producing anything. When I last moved house, I brought my PC with me and never even plugged it in – it was left on it’s side by the door, with dirty wellies on it (an expensive carpet protector!). Then I switched to Mac, and I can now do all the things I want to do with a computer, with no stress.

It just works.

Thanks Steve, I hope they keep the ship on course without you.